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When Does an ENB Become So Edited It Is a New ENB


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Hi friends. Please excuse me as I am lacking a lot of knowledge about this, and perhaps I'm not even asking the right question.


I've used several different ENB presets. The one I like the best is actually the simple companion ENB that comes with NAT Weathers made my L00ping (Yes, I prefer it to his other presets -- all of which are great).


At this point, after using it for months, I've edited this thing beyond recognition. I've probably put 50-60 hours into getting the settings just the way I want them. At what point could this be considered worthy of a release as a new preset, if ever? Like, how different does my version of this ENB need to be before it is an original-enough work that I could take any credit for it?


Or, if an ENB preset started out as someone else's ENB preset, should it never be released as it's own preset?

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Don't know the specifics about ENB permissions. Certainly ENB itself is open source.

So technically continuing to ''build the steps of the pyramid'' should be ok at least that's what logic says.

I am confused as you are but i have a suggestion for good practice.


When is an ENB preset ready to be released?


Once and after it has been tested with specific Hardware and capable to provide data that says:

With X Native Skyrim settings and X ENB Quality Option you get X FPS up and down in X areas and X areas.


This can be used as reference for users to calculate the final setup.

I would say some numbers in ms of CPU/ GPU can also help in that regard.


Personally i haven't found a single ENB that can always stay within a reliable 10fps UP - DOWN difference without strange drops.

So i don't use them and avoid getting hyped by Screenshots. Screenshots are just Screenshots not actual Gameplay Showcase.

Which brings me to the next point:


If an ENB is presented its best done with playable Screenshots so the user knows what to expect.

Most don't do that because it wont look as good so everyone says ''Wow'' thus less downloads.

But that's simply impractical. I would say User Images are best for that instead while main mod page presents the real playable visuals.


btw. i am a PRT-X Fan actually.

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