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Running Left or Right Causes Camera to Drift


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Hi there,


The last time I played Skyrim was before the anniversary update, and this didn't happen beforehand, but now I'm attempting to play again, I'm running into this issue where the camera is turning with me when I move left or right, it's a "feature" I've always hated in games, it even happens in FFXIV when using a controller, and I certainly don't want it to happen in Skyrim, especially when I'm using a mouse and keyboard; the largest problem this causes is when I'm trying to fight with a ranged weapon, and if I aim down sights while strafing, I'm constantly having to fight with the camera to aim at my target as it's always pulling away.


I thought this was happening due to my mods but it appears to happen in vanilla as well, so I'm unsure what has happened, or if Bethesda has changed how the camera works with the anniversary update, it should be noted that I did use the downgrade patcher, the full one (not best of both).


I will try verifying the game files eventually, and normally it would be one of the first things I would do, but in this instance because I've downgraded the version, it would essentially have to reinstall the whole anniversary update, and I would then have to undo it all over again with the downgrade patcher, so I'm wondering if anyone has any alternative options I may be able to try out first.



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Okay, I figured it out, apparently it was a mod causing the issue, True Directional Movement, still not sure how it was affecting vanilla Skyirm though but none of my playthroughs in vanilla seem to reproduce the effect, so maybe I didn't disable it? Anyway, it's all fixed now.

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