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Dragon pet


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Hello there. I'm sure this was brought up several times already but I didn't see to its release yet. First off I'd like to say that I appreciate every bit of work our modders put into realizing some dreams of others. So Thank you.


Now I'd like to describe my mod request:

Basically, I don't see many dragon mods around lately epect those "better-dragon-challenge" etc. I'd really like to see a mod that lets you find/steal a dragon egg. Now I see many would say that Dragons don't have eggs and that they don't have genders. But we are in fantasy right? Let's say, Akatosh would send a "speacial" egg to Earth. Who would find it (Dragonborn) may the creature it borrows protect them always. Now I hope I have bought your attention by this. There are of course many ways to explain why a Dragon egg really exists, this is only an example. So after you have stolen/found the egg, you may raise your very own dragon just like this NV mod: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/37388//?


The Dragon would grow to its full scale and be a loyal (best friend) companion to Dragonborn. It'd be neat to see some extra features, like riding the Dragon or commanding him generally.


Thank you for reading. I really hope you make this mod someday (I belive so) :)



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