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Yes or No? Ask follower for advice


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Hi All,


Please let me know if something like this already exists or if not, feel free to use it as a mod idea. This would help the roleplaying experience immensely.


I'd like to have a prompt when talking to a companion where they can give a yes or no result. Not sure if it's possible to randomize but here is the scenario - It's still early game, but I'm currently in a dungeon with my girl Lydia and I'm sure at the end of it is a dragon priest. I made it so she is not immortal so there is an absolute danger to her life if we proceed. In this scenario, I'd like to ask her if she wants to come with me to take on the danger. I'm thinking a simple yes or no, but you can spice up the dialogue if you'd like using game audio/spliced audio. Example:


*clicks on follower to talk

*Select "what do you think?" or similarly worded generic prompt

*follower responds with a random "yes" or "no"


Possible "yes" answers (paraphrasing, but think this is all available in-game dialogue)

  • yes
  • absolutely
  • you lead, I'll follow
  • great idea
  • sure

Possible "no" answers (paraphrasing, but think this is all available in-game dialogue)

  • No
  • Maybe not
  • I have a bad feeling about this
  • Bad
  • It was wrong to come here

Anyways. Just some food for thought.


Thanks for reading!

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