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Insane Honest Hearts glitch


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Explaining my problem should be fairly simple, fixing it might not be.


So I go through the Northern Passage, and suddenly I'm stuck clipped inside a massive group of people which is everyone in the Happy Trails Caravan. I've used TCL and tried to step out of the mass of clipped people and can't even move with TCL activated. So, I disabled a couple guards, got Ricky to leave (talking to anyone is tricky with this glitch) and managed to drop enough stuff to convince Jed Masterson to take me to Zion...


At which point I see a black screen with "Fallout New Vegas" on it, aaaaand....that's it. It doesn't go anywhere, doesn't do anything, doesn't load, and I can't back out of it. I'll see if I can post up some screenshots to help describe exactly what's going on.


Edit: Okay, so this time, Honest Hearts DID actually load, it went through the whole slideshow and dropped me off in Zion. Bonus. But what the heck is up with this "northern passage glitch" crap? It's really frustrating.

Edited by powderdjedi433
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I've also seen something similar when a Navmesh is edited in NVEdit. Is it possible that something you've done has hit the Navmesh?


Other behavior I've observed is that once you tcl your way out of the mess, none of the other actors will exit the pile.

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That'll do it. Here's the bad news. You're going to have to reinstall fresh copies of all the mods, and DLCs. (Although Steam's "Verify Local Files" may work to restore the DLCs


This is why Elminster goes on (at length) about not cleaning mods you didn't create. I learned through experience not to do this when I had issues after trying it. And as I final note, no matter what you see in FNVEdit Don't Touch the DLCs! In Fallout 3, the first DLC shows so many errors that it shouldn't run at all, but is perfectly fine, provided none of the records in the mod are modified.

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As I alluded to earlier, I recognized the glitch because I had tried something similar with an identical result in Fallout 3. I've been wracking my brain trying to remember the exact details of my incident, but they're alluding to me.


So, in response to your question, the short answer is, "I don't know."


The longer, but I fear not much more enlightening answer is, If you're going to try it, I would take the following steps:

  1. Don't touch the DLCs. Looking at Honest Hearts, there are indeed some deleted but undisabled references in there, but I have confirmed through experience that poking around inside a DLC with FNVEdit is a recipe for disaster.
  2. Follow the suggestion to clean the mods one at a time. I haven't seen the code for FNVEdit, but Elminster makes a big deal about cleaning only one mod at a time, and as he has seen the code, I'm inclined to trust his advice.
  3. Before you start the cleaning process, (after you have fresh copies of the mods installed,) open FNVEdit and look to see which mods have a conflict with Honest Hearts, paying particular attention to to the "Cell", "Navmesh" and "Worldspace" sections. I believe that the a change in these sections is what is responsible for the Navmesh Glitch.
  4. Make a backup of all your esps, esms, & bsas. If there is a disaster, it's much easier to just drop a new copy into your data directory than it is to completely re-install the mod. (I can't imagine the program touching the bsas, but as I'm only speculating here, I'd tend to err on the side of caution.)

That's really all the advice I can give you, hope it helps.

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You might want to look at CASM http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/36730/?. It takes the place of the glitchy autosaves, and allows you to have a continuous stream of backups.


On a side note, I was speculating, having never tried what I was proposing but just using my experience as to what might work. Would you mind terribly sharing what you did?

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