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SSE SKSE crashes at startup


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I'm relatively new to modding and have an issue with SKSE crashing on startup. There's a black screen for a moment before it closes.

I've reinstalled Skyrim (and ran it once before anything to generate the files), reinstalled SKSE several times both manually and through Vortex, sorted with LOOT, made sure there's no errors being detected by Vortex, made sure all my mods are compatible and up to date, Vortex and windows 10 are both up to date, I even did everything over again with Mod Organizer 2 but the interface was too difficulty to understand so I moved back to Vortex. I did get the game to the main menu once with Mod Organizer but with severe resolution issues that weren't fixed even after editing it in the .ini and mod files, afterward it wouldn't launch again and I imported the mods into Vortex, removed ones that could be causing problems and fixed any other errors.


I've looked at several forums and threads with these issues and done things suggested in them but with no fix, and I think a big issue for me is that I don't understand allot of the terms and methods they used, so I'm hoping I can get some help that's easier to take in.


If you need anymore information can you please tell me how to get it in the first place, since I've put everything I know in here. Bare with me while I learn these things, I'm doing my best


I found a file in the Vortex folder that has my load order, though it includes some plugins that have been disabled. I've included the document, and listed bellow are the plugins that are NOT enabled in Vortex but appear in that load order document attached, if that might have something to do with it


I'd appreciate any and all help cause I've been at this for days and my sanity needs a break (´;ω;


RRR - Immersive Citizens Patch.esp
PCE - Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul Patch.esp
RRR_Alternate Start Patch.esp
ELE-ELFX Patch AIO.esp
Equippable Tomes - Campfire Add-On.esp
Fertility Mode.esm
Hunterborn - Campfire Patch.esp
RRR 3DNPC patch update.esp
RRR No RND Acti.esp
PCE - Open Cities Patch.esp
PCE - RDO Patch.esp
PCE - RLO Patch.esp
RRR Patch.esp
More idle markers.esp
RRR_Alternate Start Patch.esp
RRR_Keep it Clean Patch.esp

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Terminology: SKSE is not crashing on startup. Skyrim is crashing on startup.


"Purge" all your mods in Vortex. Now disable them all.

Clean your game directory. I especially worry about MO leftovers. Delete everything not from Bethesda. If I were you, I would delete the Data directory also.

Have Steam Validate Skyrim. That will replace anything you deleted that you shouldn't have.

Determine what version of Skyrim you are running.

Navigate to your game directory and look at Properties for SkyrimSE.exe.

Go to skse.silverlock.org and download the exact matching version of SKSE64. Install it through Vortex. Enable it and click Deploy.

Launch SkyrimSE using the SKSE loader. Does it run and let you start a new game?


Come back and report.

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Terminology: SKSE is not crashing on startup. Skyrim is crashing on startup.


"Purge" all your mods in Vortex. Now disable them all.

Clean your game directory. I especially worry about MO leftovers. Delete everything not from Bethesda. If I were you, I would delete the Data directory also.

Have Steam Validate Skyrim. That will replace anything you deleted that you shouldn't have.

Determine what version of Skyrim you are running.

Navigate to your game directory and look at Properties for SkyrimSE.exe.

Go to skse.silverlock.org and download the exact matching version of SKSE64. Install it through Vortex. Enable it and click Deploy.

Launch SkyrimSE using the SKSE loader. Does it run and let you start a new game?


Come back and report.

Before you responded I went ahead and just fully deleted every single mod I had. I reinstalled Skyrim, got the right version of SKSE, and installed it via dragging the zip file into the mod section in Vortex since I haven't been able to download things directly into Vortex for awhile, might be something to do with windows but it's not that big of a deal. I launched the game through Vortex, I don't know if that ran it SKSE or not because I didn't get that cmd window popup for a moment. But the game did launch, I started a new save and could get through the opening sequence.

Is it safe to start slowly installing mods again? I would be starting with all of the ones in this video, mod list in the description

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You have to go slow, until you find which mod is breaking.

Pick one that has a couple of dependencies. Install that set, enable them, and make sure it runs.


Launching under SKSE is a bit of a trick.

Make sure SKSE64 has a dashboard entry. Edit it (three dots), and select Make Primary.

Now whenever you click Skyrim in the upper left, it will launch with SKSE64.

Or you can just click on SKSE64 launcher in the game directory. No vortex needed.

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You have to go slow, until you find which mod is breaking.

Pick one that has a couple of dependencies. Install that set, enable them, and make sure it runs.


Launching under SKSE is a bit of a trick.

Make sure SKSE64 has a dashboard entry. Edit it (three dots), and select Make Primary.

Now whenever you click Skyrim in the upper left, it will launch with SKSE64.

Or you can just click on SKSE64 launcher in the game directory. No vortex needed.


Alright I'll do this and see if I encounter any errors. I do have a question though, some mods I want to install require patches, are those just installed as any other mod, and then making them comes later in the load order? Or is there a special way to install patches? I can't download directly into Vortex so I manually download and drag the zip file into the program

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If your mod and a patch modify the same files, Vortex will literally "flag" them with a little red flag.

Click on one of them and a window will open that lets you choose load patch AFTER the mod. Flags turn green.

Oh awesome good to know, thanks! I'll see how things go from here

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Good luck - and keep us posted.

So I added most of the mods I had before, testing the game ever 5 or so mods (playing for 10 minutes at a time to see if there would be a crash) and everything was working so I went ahead and started a new game. I got about an hour of playtime before the game crashed, no error message. Launched again and it crashed in a few minutes. I'm trying to verify the game files in Steam but nothing's happening, it stays at 0% and doesn't progress at all

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