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body seams...help?


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i've played about 60 hours of oblivion so far after going back to it from fallout 3. the problem is that my character is now having seams running down her arms and legs all vertically. neck seams were bad enough but something is just wrong with this, especially how it didn't happen before. i tried reinstalling the game and uninstalling the mods i had prior to this situation but nothing is helping.


Any help would greatly be appreciated.

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i tried what you said and it didnt work, so i instead went and downloaded gothic breton and converted my character thru showracemenu. the problem is still there but since her skin is so pale it isnt as noticeable. if there is any new suggestions it would be great since this really breaks the atmosphere of the game seams running all over a body.
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i tried what you said and it didnt work, so i instead went and downloaded gothic breton and converted my character thru showracemenu. the problem is still there but since her skin is so pale it isnt as noticeable. if there is any new suggestions it would be great since this really breaks the atmosphere of the game seams running all over a body.



Do you use OBMM? Perhaps try the Archive Invalidation tool if you're using custom body textures.


Since this is an existing character does it happen with a new game? It sounds like it probably would since the same textures are used.


It shouldn't happen with my Gothic Breton Race as they have their own textures as you know, but it might be as simple as Archive Invalidation. I've had it happen once or twice with default races and reinstalling the body mod did help, but if all of the suggestions in the other posts don't work, I'm out of ideas at the moment....



Did you install Exnem first then HGEC meshes over the top?


You could try this as well. It makes a world of difference, but only if the textures aren't really messed up for some other reason. It's for use when things are supposedly normal.


Luchaire's Body Seam Reducer


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