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Council Grades


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While pondering over the game's funding system (check my XCOM Economics thread) I suggested that a possible way to enhance the gaming experience could be to tweak the country contributions depending on many factors, one of those being council grades.

Currently council grades do not appear to have any impact on the game other than assesing your overall monthly performance. Personally, while getting an "A" or a "B" for not losing countries, intercepting UFO's, or not falling behind research, might feel somewhat "rewarding", I'd like to propose a more consequential approach to this feature.

So, while we can discuss about the way to introduce a new pattern in the function that calculates your grade to reflect some sort of more complex kind of Scorecard, I'd prefer to start discussing about what are the possible aspects of the organization that could be impacted with a possitive or negative grade by the council -as stated in other threads, without laying hands into game balance yet.

1. XCOM Proyect Terminated. The most obvious and logical way I see countries will react to a poor XCOM performance should be termination of the proyect. I feel that if you get two "F" grades in a row, or a total of three "F" within the year, nations wont wait to loose everyone to alien pacts and will try something different than XCOM instead.

2. Commander resignation. Alternatively, bad grades could force you to resign; that way XCOM will not be terminated and could be handled by someone more capable. Second worst scenario.

3. Financial. The second most obvious and logical way we can expect countries will react to a poor or excellent XCOM performance should be monetary. This possibility raises a new question: if countries already reacts individually by raising or reducing funding, how can they then react collectively raising or reducing funding according to council grades?
Possible answers:
3.1. Total funding suffers progressive 'deductions' according to grades;
3.2. Good grades grants you bonus income.
3.3. Good grades grants cost reduction for items, planes, facilities.
3.4. Depending on the XCOM EConomics model, skeptical nations may join the proyect if you get good grades.

4. Personnel. Good grades could benefit the proyect with bonus staff: scientists, engineers, soldiers -apart from sattelite goodies.

5. Research, manufacture and Foundry. Could be a bonus in researching certain technologies, manufacture items or foundry proyects? or perhaps unlocking new ones, only available after a top grade?

6. Tactical. Will boost or minus depending on grades; will-related ability only available during the month you got a high grade.

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