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Megatron Transform - A quest featuring a robot companion that transforms into a weapon


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A weapon / companion mod that based on Megatron from The Transformers cartoon back in the day. Some kind of quest(s) that involves an evil robot able to transform into a powerful pistol with insane customizations that affects Megatron's transformations and companion abilities.


Once you finish the questline and defeat Megatron and the Raiders / Gunners that are using him to spread fear throughout the Commonwealth, you can repair and reprogram him to have a voiced robot companion that transforms into a powerful pistol and tells hilarious stories about his time with the Raiders / Gunners having issues with recoil shooting themselves in the foot or whatever wacky thing works.


I realize a mod like this would take a lot of work and it would be way too much trouble to have animations of Megatron transforming back and forth from a pistol into a robot companion but the transformation could be based off the favorites menu, and a "transform" noise based off the cartoon.



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