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Trying something new with my companion mod.


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I am trying to get a script/package to run every friday at 16:00 and change a variable, and so far it works fine- so long as she is near me. If I leave the cell and skip ahead/wait until the time when the package should kick in, then come back, it becomes clear that my script didn't run. Also, the package is supposed to make her initiate dialogue with the player the next time she sees me, and this is not happening at all. Any advice? It seems like this might work better strictly as a timed script, instead of trying to use a package, but I cannot for the life of me find any examples to base it off of.

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An Object-type script is only processed when the object it is attached to is loaded in memory (in other words, when the player is in the same cell as the object), whereas a Quest-type script is processed all the time, as long as the quest it is attached to is running.

Use a quest script to set some variable to 1 every Friday at 4pm.

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Ah hah, it seems I forgot that important little tidbit of information. Thanks! I couldn't find any variables that would allow me to choose a certain day of the week, but I can run a floating 7-day timer- which actually works better for my purposes. Thanks for the response!

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I ended up just using the package that ran every friday at 4 pm and moved the variables/conditions it used to function into a quest script, and voila! It works perfectly.

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