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Stardew Valley

Idea: Pierre sells next season's seeds on last day of season


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Hey everyone, Josh Thor here.


I have ever made a SDV mod, but I think I have a great idea. Let me know what you think.


I think it's silly that Pierre doesn't sell Summer seeds until the first day of Summer. Selling them for all of spring would make sense, but would clutter up the shop inventory.

My suggestion is that Pierre's seed inventory would change to the next season's inventory on the last day of each season. So on Spring 28, he doesn't sell Spring seeds anymore. He sells Summer seads instead, now. That way player's can properly stock up on seeds before the start of the season.


Maybe, instead of making the change on the last day, it happens earlier, based on the growth rate of the fastest growing seed of the current seaon that is about to end. For example, parnips grow in 4 days, so if you buy them on the 25th or later in Spring, you can't plant and harvest them that season. It's silly that Pierre is still selling them, so on Spring 25th, he could change to selling Summer seeds.

(I just realized that speed-growth fertiizer throws a wrench in my theory, but I am running with it anyway for now)


There is an argument to make that having to wait to buy summer seeds unti after a few hours (game hours) is a balance thing, to force you to be more economic with your time, or to give you time to clear the farm of debris and such. Still, mods are supposed to shake stuff up like that.


If ya'll like the idea, or have suggestions, I could maybe try to make this mod, or maybe someone else can if you want, I don't mind.


Ready, set, discuss!

Edited by JoshThorGameDev
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