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Stardew Valley

Seeking Stardew Players and Modders for Academic Research


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The University of Calgary Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board has approved this research study. Ethics ID: REB21-0969.

Are you an LGBTQ2+ gamer? Do you play farming games? Do you mod games?

Hello. My name is Sam Stockton (they/them), and I am a researcher at the University of Calgary. I am currently recruiting participants for my study on LGBTQ2+ people who play and/or create mods for Farming Simulation Roleplay Games (FSRPGs). FSRPGs are a genre of video games that combine farming with community and relationship building. Examples include Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, and My Time at Portia.

My study seeks to find out:

(a) why do LGBTQ2+ gamers play FSRPGs,

(b) how do LGBTQ2+ gamers play FSRPGs,

© how do LGBTQ2+ gamers challenge homophobia and transphobia in FSRPGs, and

(d) how and/or why do modders choose to modify FSRPGs to add queer content?

To participate in the study, you must be over the age of 18, identify as part of the LGBTQ2+ community, speak English, and have previously played and/or created mods for an FSRPG. Both players and modders can participate in a survey.

Modders can also participate in an interview via Zoom. Participation is completely voluntary.

Survey (players and modders):

You will be asked to complete a survey about your experiences as an LGBTQ2+ person who plays FSRPGs both with and without mods. The survey will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. The survey is administered via Qualtrics. Some potentially sensitive questions about gender and sexual orientation may be asked.

Interview (only modders):

You will be asked to take part in one individual interview over Zoom that will last approximately 60-90 minutes. You will be asked questions about your experience modding games and your experiences as an LGBTQ2+ modder. Some potentially sensitive questions about gender and sexual orientation may be asked.

Link to indicate your interest in being interviewed: https://survey.ucalgary.ca/jfe/form/SV_1ZUitmPI6Fl0klg

If you have any questions about the research project or participating in the study, please feel free to contact us.

Sam Stockton

Department of Communication, Media, and Film; University of Calgary

Dr. Samantha Thrift (she/her)

Department of Communication, Media and Film

Edited by queermoddingresearch
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