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What music files will Morrowind Accept?

Crim, The Red Thunder

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Can anyone tell me this? I know you put them in the folders, but i have some mp3, wav, and mid files in there. All are good, but morrowind refuses to play anything but the mp3s in it's battle/explore music cycles... but both types are accepted by the streammusic command... so can i force morrowind to add the types to it's cycles?
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Try to just change the .mid/.wav to .mp3, I think it may work then.

If it do not work, then you can download a program called IrfanView, it's free and verry good if you wan't to convert files. You will need the right plugins though, but those are allso free, and can be downloaded from IrfanView:s main-site. I have forgot the url, but search for IrfanView in google or somthing, and you will find it.



Another Problem:

On my computer, when I play custom-music in Morrowind, it sometimes CTD, and sometimes not. I don't know why, so if anyone knows the reason, please explain.

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