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Rain. We Need Freaking Rain.


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I'm on a short clock right now, so if this was already mentioned in the last few pages forgive me.


I would love to see weather effects in Fallout 3, whether it's overcast, precipitation, or even wind (Dust storms?).


As to the radiation levels of such things, you have to consider that while all rain is slightly radioactive (Ref: Here), it is not possible to reach levels that are harmful to humans. The reason that bodies of water can become radioactive for suspended periods of time is that they contain radioactive materials, not that the water itself is radioactive.


Water can only become radioactive in itself if it absorb two neutrons each in hydrogen atoms or absorbs one or more neutron each in oxygen atoms. (Ref: Here - and yes, I'm quoting Yahoo Answers because I'm just scientific like that. >.>)


Other than that it has to carry a dissolved radioactive substance, which would not be carried with the water during evaporation which is what causes precipitation.


(FYI I'm typing all this out to sort my thoughts out on this matter as I go, not because I think that people don't know what evaporation is, etc. - I'm used to writing technical documentation and one has to write tech docs like they're for three year olds)


Acid rain is only acidic due to lowered PH levels, and is not more or less radioactive than normal rain.


So a rain event would merely be an event, and wouldn't need to require specific armor.


However, if the rain were to stir up dust (As in the capital wasteland rain would likely be sparse) the dust clouds could be radioactive. Or perhaps dust storms could pose a problem outside of DC (The buildings would keep out a lot of the wind I would imagine)


The dust storm thing is just a possibility for weather that involves radiation and special armor. I'm posting mainly because I would love rain. It seems a minor change but would add a bit more life to the Capital Wasteland. Perhaps it would provide excuse to add a big more greenery than the dried grasses and burnt trees. (I don't remember the time line, but certainly enough time has passed for some greenery? Not enough for a complete conversion like GreenWorld but some flowering cacti, or sturdier shrub like plants)


Now I'm just rabbit trailing. :D But <3 rain.




I just skimmed some of the most recent replies. Apparently great minds think alike. So feel free to ignore anything that's been said already. I've bookmarked this thread for a full read later tonight.

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Rain that adds rads? No. After 200 years there would be no radioactive fallout in the atmosphere and when water evaporates, it doesn't take anything else with it, just water. Which is why this game is pretty stupid with the whole project purity thing, if you boiled water with radioactive particles the water would evaporate and could be condensed again but the radioactive particles would not.


But I do support the idea of rain, just not rad adding rain.



Oh so very true, if you want to stay true to science, anyway. Radioactive fallout in the atmosphere is the FIRST environmental situation cleaned. Dust particles and dirt, are... basically... the last to be "cleaned". Otherwise, the entire U.S. would have advanced radiation poisoning cases having shown up soon after the 1950's, and the entire world shortly thereafter. Just my 2-pence.


EDIT: heh, shoulda read the entire post first. Seems others already said what I wanted to, more concisely. *shrugs* Regardless. I would LOVE rain in Fallout 3!

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Guest deleted934561

I think it would be Awesome to have rain in FO3 and I think it should be different kinds depending where it comes from

if from Rivet city area then it should be clean being from the ocean

if it is from the north heading south it should have high rads due to dust and snow holding a lot more radiation

if from west then it should be more acid rain because of the inner states having more radiated sitting water like lakes

dropping the PH in the water


and my 2 cents on all the reality of what it is like 200 years after a bomb look at bikini atoll where they tested the H bombs

there was enough dropped there to make all the US a wasteland and in 3 years they let the ppl move back there the land and water was clean the reason it was deserted and left deserted is because the main food source (coconuts) where absorbing 75% of all radiation and still is today


but that is also just a small island the size of down town DC and surrounded with water so I guess anything is possible when dealing with inland areas

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Rain that adds rads? No. After 200 years there would be no radioactive fallout in the atmosphere and when water evaporates, it doesn't take anything else with it, just water. Which is why this game is pretty stupid with the whole project purity thing, if you boiled water with radioactive particles the water would evaporate and could be condensed again but the radioactive particles would not.


But I do support the idea of rain, just not rad adding rain.



I'm so glad someone pointed this out before i had a chance to. Means someone who plays this game is slightly educated. Also, as for The wastes being a desert, its NOT a desert, its a wasteland. as in the radiation has destroyed any life that might have grown from the ground. It could still rain, but the earth is not only infertile, but any life that may have taken advantage of the rain, would have been destoyed at a cellular level.

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Actually, when irradiated water evaporates it's still radiated. The atoms of the water are what stay radiated. And the last time I checked, state change doesn't change the atomic composition of a substance.


To become radioactive, water must

1. absorb 2 neutorns each in hydrogen atoms.

2. absorb 1 or more neutron each in oxygen atoms.

3. dissolve a radioactive element or compound.


4. carry a radioactive substance in suspension.

(taken off of yahoo answers)

In reply to 1. Hydrogen has 2 isotopes. 1H and 2H. 1H containing 1 proton and no neutrons in it's nucleus and 2H, also known as deuterium containing 1 proton and 1 neutron in it's nucleus, therefore, as you state in point 1, it is impossible for a hydrogen atom to "absorb" [sic] 2 neutron as that would result in 3H, which does not exist. And deutrium is stable anyway and does not decay.


In reply to point 2, pretty much the same as point 1. Oxygen has 3 isotopes, each with 8, 9 and 10 neutrons in the nucleus respectively. All three isotopes are stable and do not decay.


In reply to 3 and 4: If water contains a radioactive substance, or a non radioactive substance (a radioactive substance being something that emits ionising radiation through nuclear decay [alpha and/or beta particles and/or gamma photons]) and is heated to the point that the water dissolves, said radioactive or non radioactive particles, whether dissolved in the water or suspended in the water, will not evaporate with that water (unless said radioactive or non radioactive particles have a boiling point lower than the boiling point of water), this is common knowledge. Want to try it yourself? Put some salt or sugar or mud or iron fillings or anything into a saucepan of water and boil it. What do you have left in the bottom of the pan once all the water has gone?


Heavy water is a water molecule made with one deuterium atom and 2 oxygen atoms. It is stable and does not decay, therefore I can conclude that there is no possible way for water "atoms" [sic] to be radioactive, as I said in one of my previous posts, it is radioactive substances within water (dissolved in or in suspension) that gives water the effect of being radioactive. Whoever has been teaching you physics isn't teaching you right.


Back on topic, anyone making a mod to do this?

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-> snip <-

Back on topic, anyone making a mod to do this?

Yup, on this same forum and really with speedy progress Enhanced Weather - Rain - WIP - and actually a link 8 posts back also. Stumbled over it myself a couple of days ago and the examples shown looks great!


It's interesting to see how much interest there is on the impact of rain and the punishment to be in or near, when the key question was if it was even possible to get rain into FO3 at all. I wonder what a question after a snow mod would result in :smile:

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It's interesting to see how much interest there is on the impact of rain and the punishment to be in or near, when the key question was if it was even possible to get rain into FO3 at all. I wonder what a question after a snow mod would result in :smile:

It's been a while since I played Operation Anchorage, but does it not snow in that?

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