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Stardew Valley

Mods to remove trees & change farm appearance


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I would love to be able to change my farm's appearance (i.e. remove trees around Grandpa's shrine for more farming space; shrink pond sizes).


I've seen lots of screenshots of other players farms that have had this done, but am unable to find the proper mods to do so, or the mods I have attempted to use are not working for me (Farm Extended & Farm Type Manager)


Did I pick the wrong mods to try? Or am I doing something wrong?


Please help.

Edited by carmanp
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  • 1 month later...

I would love to be able to change my farm's appearance (i.e. remove trees around Grandpa's shrine for more farming space; shrink pond sizes).


I've seen lots of screenshots of other players farms that have had this done, but am unable to find the proper mods to do so, or the mods I have attempted to use are not working for me (Farm Extended & Farm Type Manager)


Did I pick the wrong mods to try? Or am I doing something wrong?


Please help.





I know this is almost two months late, but rather late than never.

Generally, in order to change your farm appearance, you'd have to download a pre-made custom map. There are no "easy" ways to edit your farm map.


If you mark up a screenshot of your farm with the required changes and edits, then post the screenshot here, I'd be happy to create a custom farm for you.

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