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louder sounds for the entire game?


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i have played this game for so long and i have never seen a mod that equalized the sounds of this game or anything even close to that, regretably i have never gotten into modding (this game) and so i have no idea if it can even be done at all, but the sound in this game is too quiet, the music, the creatures, and the speach is so bad they might as well be whispering, i swear i have to smash my headphones into my skull just to listen to literally anything at all that esbern says lol


anyway a mod for this that would maybe add a slider to raise the volume in the menu to over 100% would be sweet or at least something like that if its possible

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There is this listing of master volume controls in your SkyrimPrefs.ini from (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=934896199):


fAudioMasterVolume=1.0000 (this setting controls the game's master volume. according to gamerpoets, this can be turned up to 2.0000 before audio distortion occurs, however, after increasing this value to 2.0000, the voices became far too quiet. I don't think the voices scale evenly with the other settings. Consequently, I highly recommend keeping this setting at 1.0000. Moving forward, the fVal settings below can be adjusted, but the uID settings CANNOT BE CHANGED.
fVal7=1.0000 (ambient)
fVal6=0.6000 (magic)
fVal5=0.7000 (menus)
fVal4=1.0000 (ambiance)
fVal3=1.0000 (music)
fVal2=1.7000 (voice)
fVal1=0.6000 (footsteps)
fVal0=0.4000 (effects)

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1. Make a copy of your SkyrimPrefs.ini - I usually just add .orig to the end of the file name and save it as a new file.


2. Try adjusting the individual sound categories in the original .ini one at a time, then loading up Skyrim to see if it is what you want. If you mess it up, just look at the copy to see the initial value.


BTW, do you use the Unofficial HD Audio (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18115) mod? That might help, all on its own.

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