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Stardew Valley

SMAPI refuse to install


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I had the Stardew Valley Extended before on my old PC (win10). Now I can not install it on my new PC (win11)


I installed Stardew Valley, using Steam, on a fresh SSD.
Then I run the SMAPI installer end get the following error message.


The "missing" SMAPI.Installer.deps.json is in the internal folder. So it is not missing.



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I understand that a reply can take a few days.
But I did an experiment.

I took all the files from SDE from my old harddrive and copied over the freshly install of SV.

I did the same with the saves in the user folder.


And it all seem ti work.

But I have no idea if I will get in trouble after playing a few mor hours.
Just have to see what happens

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