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[* Adults Only - UK Over 18s Or Equivelent * ] Saving Clover


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I have always wondered what would happen to Clover and/or Crimson's behaviour if their collars were disarmed and removed.


  1. In other words would they maintain their evil status?
  2. Would they have any form of the beginnings of remorse?
  3. Would they want to do things to atone for their previous mis deeds?
  4. What would their personality have been like before their capture and/or manipulation into becomming a Slaver?
  5. Could there be any way of restoring that personality (if necessary - discovering past)?
  6. Could they fall in love of their free will with their saviour?
  7. Would they be willing to join you in your journey of their free will?
  8. Would they be willing to pay the ultimate price if the situation
    called for it (of their free will - no ordering and/or other manipulation)?


Having a modification which allows you to find out the answers to this hypothetical situation and potentially gain extra companion(s).

The out come would be affected by your actions and/or in actions.


Even when you have your answer they will be affected by your Karma (decisions + actions)

and/or vice versa (if you mange to get them to become good). Feel free to chip in.



Would any one be willing to make this modification to allow the community to find out?

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If you hold down a key it defeats the auto scroll functions of the forum and stretches the display out and moves the moderator options off the screen. Changing the zoom to find them makes them unreadable.


If I hit the wrong one your account may be banned.


So don't do it.



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