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HELP! My valheim got screwed today somehow.


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I played last night and it was fine, i have 27 mods installed. Today i went to play but got this error. I dont know which mod is doing it. I tried runing them one by one and they rune fine by themselves but the moment i activate more than 1 mod it gives me this. Also the menu and every word has a dollar sign before them. HALP! KKFkx98.png

Edited by nimbus1983
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first of all, you are not using the lastest BepinEx version, latest is


and according to those errors, you seem to use ItemDrawers, which is totally bugged since mountains update (due to controllers support changes)


you should backup world and character, then totally deleting BepinEx and reinstalling it with the last version, then installing your addons one by one to see which are bugged

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok after days of this issue i was able to fix it! Here is how i did it. In the vortex while in the mods for the game i selected check for updates ( on the top of the in the orange bar). A few of the things needed to run the game were updated and that was why it wasnt running. Where it says versions you should see symbols appear that say that they have an update for it. I made sure everything was in its current versions and then ran the game and it worked perfectly.


Also another thing i did was removed BepInEx from the listing in vortex and manually installed it to the games folder. Just to be sure i was on the current version. ( it shows you how when you go the the BepInEx mod) vortex was also insistent on putting in an updated version so i had to tell it no every time i was removing the old one.


hope that helps! I learned to check for mod updates whenever the game updates, else stuff wont work anymore. :3

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