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Which is the Best Perk Overhaul Mod? SPERG vs ACE


Which if Your Favorite Perks Overhaul Mod?  

59 members have voted

  1. 1. Which if Your Favorite Perks Overhaul Mod?

    • SPERG
    • ACE
    • Other

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So the topic says it all. I'm starting up a new game, and for the life of me, I can't decide between the two as the both seem to have their own pros and cons. I like how Ace makes specializations with like Archery, but I like the overall combination of the automatic perks and design towards high level gameplay as well. So, if you were to choose one, which would it be? Or if you have another one, let me know.


Edit: On a seperate note, regardless of which mod I choose, is there any benefit with going with combat realism? I know ACE already has that in there, and I'd have to disable the realistic fighting one, but what about SPERG?

Edited by Aeradom
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try skyre


I am familiar with Skyrim Redone, but I'm holding that off for a different play through. The reason being because it overhauls so much, that you almost have to mode with that in mind, kind of like building a computer and locking down all your other choices by picking the Mobo. If that makes sense. I plan on experimenting with a lot of mods, and I know SkyRe, because it is so thorough, I hesitate.


Edit: I'm not opposed to SkyRe, it's just that it's not as compatible as ACE. So if someone can make a decent case for it, I'd be fine with it.

Edited by Aeradom
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The main reason I suggest using skyre is it overhauls a lot of tiny things other mods don't. It also has really cool built in support for frostfall, and overall changes up enough little details so that if intelligently combined with the right mods you can create an entirely different experience from vanilla skyrim. t really doesn't have much conflicts outside of perks, most mods that clash with skyre clash with it because of the perks, and any mod that JUST overhauls perks is going to have those exact same incompatibles. Skyre doesn't JUST do perks though, it makes a lot of other game play tweaks to make all the new perks fair and balanced and so that you can build a character around any combination of perks, which is totally impossible for some perks in vanilla skyrim! Seriously, try to make character based around speechcraft and pickpocket in vanilla skyrim and see how much fun you have.


I personally use over 200 mods with skyre and have no problems, this includes mods like Duel combat realism, locational damage, asis, wtf, and 4 or 5 good magic mods.Overall these mods together make the game feel gritty and unforgiving, every single sword blow makes a difference. Above all, I'd say Skyre just makes the game feel more role play friendly. It makes it so that you can be very adventurous with your character and not be punished for it. If you want to make a hunter and trapper character who avoids people, then you can make that character just as powerful as an elite battlemage, or just as defensive as the most aged wise monk, if you choose to.


My current character is a powerful necromancer, he uses blood, bones, souls, and other various cannibalized human pieces to manipulate powerful and evil magical forces that can demolish much more powerful enemies. The downside being that the forces he manipulates are indifferent to the humans they consume, and he walks a fine line between bending this power to his will and being consumed by the souls of those he's absorbed. This is just an example of what can be done with the right skyre based set up.

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I personally use over 200 mods with skyre and have no problems, this includes mods like Duel combat realism, locational damage, asis, wtf, and 4 or 5 good magic mods...


Wow, I didn't realize that. I mean, it's been over a year since I last played and I had no idea that it was so compatible with other mods. I am certainly looking for a good overhaul mod, though I'd just pick and choose and such. Perhaps I should give it a whirl afterall.

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I personally use over 200 mods with skyre and have no problems, this includes mods like Duel combat realism, locational damage, asis, wtf, and 4 or 5 good magic mods...


Wow, I didn't realize that. I mean, it's been over a year since I last played and I had no idea that it was so compatible with other mods. I am certainly looking for a good overhaul mod, though I'd just pick and choose and such. Perhaps I should give it a whirl afterall.


I personally would not play without skyrim redone! It and frostfall are two of the most essential mods, and skyre balances frostfall into the game perfectly, so they make a great starting point.

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