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Help with New Vegas quest script?


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Hello, I am attempting to create a New Vegas quest mod. I want an objective to end when an NPC dies, and a new on begin. This is the script I have right now.


"scn JWD
Begin GameMode
If 0JohnWarren.GetDead == 1
SetStage 0VaT 10
JWD = Script Name
0JohnWarren = ID of NPC I want dead for the objective to end
0VaT = Quest name
10 = Quest stage I want to end when he dies
When I save and exit it says "Do you want to save the current script? current=" which means it's wrong.
I've been trying for awhile to get it right, but I just can't figure out what's wrong with it.
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Never use numbers at the beginning of a reference ID (use JohnWarren, instead of 0JohnWarren).
Moreover, in this case, using an object script attached to the NPC would be more suitable:

scn	JohnWarrenScript

Begin OnDeath

	SetStage 0VaT 10


If the NPC already has a script attached to it, simply append the OnDeath block (as seen in the above example) to the script.

Edited by jazzisparis
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