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A proper zombie apocalypse with quests and new land


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I've been wondering why no one has made a proper zombie apocalypse mod with quests and maybe a new land to emphasize the actual feel of a zombie apocalypse, the simple zombie mods are not as great as they can be without a story to them. Its fun at first to shoot zombies in the face but after a while it loses its feel, then the quests and NPC's pay no attention to the zombies at all and it makes me feel like im the only one who see's them. I think it would be pretty cool if someone made it like an actual zombie survival maybe have a survivor group or a hideout you have to tend or something. I hope someone takes my idea and makes an actual mod out of this because im sick of the realistic feel of shooting groups of ghouls that randomly spawn.


Im also a weapon modder so if anyone knows and wants to make the mod i can probably come up with a weapon (So long as i can get photoshop for the textures =/)

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