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Using new weapons and armors


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Hey im sure you guys get this alot but ive recently started playing oblivion again and to make things fun i started to download mods and skins for it. For the most part this is going well, im able to play as new races and add in new features and the like. However, any time i download a file that should place a new armor or weapon in the game, i go to the location where the items should be "purchased" or found in a chest and theres nothing. I was just wondering if this is a common problem and how to fix it.
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Some mods require something else to work, Such as OBSE, latest patch, COBL, SI or other. Check the read me that is supposed to come with each mod.
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Sorry should have been more specific...


the ones im trying to use are Dianoarmor2, fantasy mod, nightshade armor and pegasus_alpha, all of which the only requirement for is the oblivion.esm master file, which yes is working.


The patch could be a problem as im not quite too sure if its completely up to date or not, i have downloaded what i thought was the latest but im not sure.


the other mods i use are rens beauty pack, mystic elf, male body replacer, fransesco's and M.O.E. I'm uncertain if fransesco's and M.O.E are up to date either.

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if any big mod has over written a place for a small one try making your armor and or weapon mods last in your load order then they will take precidence over those loaded in front of it


Thank you! i moved the files to the lowest and now they load, i was getting it wrong and assumed that the higher on the list the more priority it had, it works now.


Sadly now for some reason voices wont load but i can live without them heh.

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