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Visual Mods for Laptop


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So I've found a couple of tricks (Biggest help was HiAlgo Boost) that allows me to run Skyrim fairly well (40+ FPS) on my integrated graphics laptop. Now that I've got it running and stable, I've been trying to improve the image. So far I've gotten some rock retextures; nothing big enough to eat up FPS. I've also got the Imaginator, and all I've done really is crank up the saturation.

Has anyone been able to get Skyrim to look very nice without an ENB?

Specifically, I love the brightness and vivid (but not oversaturated) colors in the RealVision ENB

Are there any specific mods that you guys use, or a better Imaginator setting than just increasing saturation?


Also, in the Fallout version of Imaginator, you could set Soft Focus. This is not available in the Skyrim version. Is there another mod that alllows you to do this, or even just adds preset soft focus?

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What kind of laptop, specs? I use a laptop as well and my specs are "GPU-Intel® HD Graphics 4000, CPU-Intel® Core 15-3230M CPU @ 2.60Ghz (4 CPUs), ~2.6GHz, with 8GB RAM, 1668MB VRAM and 750GB memory" I use a few different mods I quite enjoy, not many FPS issues that are to bad. Where can i get a free FPS tracker? Below are a list of my visual mods. Also below are a few mods to help performance. Oh and the DYNAVISION is made by Gopher the same guy as the imaginator mod, it has the focus you were asking about.




Enhanced Lights and FX-http://www.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27043/


Climates of Tamriel-http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17802/?


Skyrim Flora Overhaul-http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/141/?


Skyrim Ultra HD Texture Pack-http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35507/?


Skyrim Mesh Improvement Mod-http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35507/?


Skyrim Performance Plus-http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6387/?


Rogue Script Remover-http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35556//?


Well, I hope this helps.

Edited by projectphotoking
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When I track my FPS, I use the built in game filming part of Razer Gamebooster. Unlike FRAPS, it doesn't constantly eat FPS, regrdless of whether you're recording or not

What, fraps eats at my FPS, I just started using it to track my FPS? And your VRAM is a bit on the low side, so I'm not sure how DYNAVISION will effect you but I use well over 50 mods and stay about 30-49 FPS using fraps.

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