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Tree LODs Are Not Appearing


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So for some reason the tree lods are not appearing and only the trees in close proximity are shown. this has happened to me before and i had to reinstall mo2, but this time it didn't work. I've tried removing my mods but it doesn't seem to fix it. it also isn't the console command tt, so I really don't know what to do tbh. can anyone pls help me.

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TBH, I'm no expert on MO (Vortex user here). So I can't give you specific assistance with MO settings.


There are all sort of things than can lead to LOD issues: "Wrong" ini settings, missing or corrupted LOD textures or in this case tree billboards, issues with Dyndolod (if you use that)...


Often it's leftover files from now uninstalled mods, that cause issues. So, if you really want a "clean" setup, DELETE your whole Skyrim SE folder and redownload the game from Steam. Also delete your Skyrim.ini and Skyrimprefs.ini (usually found in your personal "documents" folder under "games").

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