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getting rid of the skin parts of an armor


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I got tired of digging deeper and deeper into tutorials and eventually finding nothing at all... perhaps I'm just blind but I'm at a point where I'd rather just ask....

what I'm trying to do is replacing the "naked" mesh of an npc with an "armor" that actually is the same mesh with a modified texture... should work fine for raiders...

everything works so far... I copied the "femalupperbody.nif", changed the texture, set paths for the mesh and the texture and created a new armor using that mesh...

but, because the mesh is actually nude, it still loads the standard texture everywhere, where skin is shown.


If I understood the tutorials for nifscope right, you can make partitions of a mesh "skin"... but how can I do it the other way round... make nothing of the mesh treated as skin?


is there an easy way?

hope you understand what I'm trying to say :P




- Horrid

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