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CTD problem


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A couple months ago I was playing New Vegas. I was doing the quest Restoring Hope. I arrived at Helios one, get the gps thing, and head towards the missing troopers. As soon as I get to a certain distance away from Camp Forlorn Hope or the troopers, my game CTDs. I know could have ignored this quest and done other stuff in the game but I angered by my games problem. I've just gotten back onto the game from an earlier save file and tried the quest again. Same results. Could someone please help me here?

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find a container just outside ( Helios) and place the new item you just got into it. treat this as a test. then leave and see if you still crash.

Any objects pulled from inside ( Helios) place in that container, as this is the point in question. if you remove all objects from inventory? then that Eliminates them and points to other possible problems.



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