Bartinga Posted March 7, 2022 Share Posted March 7, 2022 Greetings, Would like to request vehicle .inis for the following vehicles; ARCHER QUARTZ "SIDEWINDER"THORTON GALENA GA40XT "RATTLER"KAUKAZ ZEYA 420KAUKAZ BRATSK U4020MILITECH BASILISKMILITECH BEHEMOTHTHORTON MACKINAW "BEAST"ARCHER HELLA EC-H I860 NCPD ENFORCER (POLICE)CHEVILLON EMPEROR 720 NCPD IRONCLAD (POLICE)VILLEFORT CORTES V6000 NCPD OVERLORD (POLICE) There are 2 separate THORTON MACKINAW "BEAST"s in the game that each of them makes use of their own .inis independently of one another. One that the player can eventually get, and the other that actually participates in the races. It's the .inis of the one that participates in the races that I am actually interested in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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