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Far Cry

Chest Loot Storage Mod Request


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The fact that stuns me is when i entered the FC3 nexus i saw several balance mods, several scopes mods and stuff like that and tweaks and HUD configs BUT seriously how none requested something like this.

It is heavily needed because nomatter how good the game is it makes one of the mistakes i HATE in videogames (alongside overly expensive items so you can spend more time to it so the devs can say sure its a 30+ hours game) which is you collect items that you eventually are forced to remove and are permanently (no they cant stay there like Deus Ex) lost but you will CERTAINLY NEED afterwards...

example: i was lucky (or unlucky) during a mission to have an army of commodo dragons attack me and surprisingly i didnt die so i skinned them all and sortly after i was maxed out and forced to sell them ONLY TO NEED THEM 30 minutes when i upgraded something and realize to upgrade further i needed 8 commodo dragon skins ...THIS IS SOME HEAVY bulls*** Its BASIC rpg like thinking..when maxed out go home and store them for later.

Edited by koel700
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