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Anti-Molestation Mod


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I would be deeply grateful if someone could figure out how to make a mod that:


Prevents the evil Courier from being able to intercept me when I'm invisible and sneaking and everyone else is unaware of my existence.


Prevents Sofie, Durak, and other unwelcome molesters from hooking me and engaging me in conversations in which I do not wish to participate.


Prevents Durak from following me everywhere after accosting me.


Prevents guards from constantly saying, "Heard they're re-forming the Dawnguard, vampire hunters or something, in the old fort near Riften. Might consider joining up myself."


Basically, prevent NPCs from hooking me against my will. I should still be able to initiate quests, such as Dawnguard, by approaching Durak or going to see Isran. I just don't want to be molested and involuntarily hooked into conversations by NPCs. The evil courier showed up on my ship, anchored at sea!


Aside from that, I need a mod that allows me to play as Pennywise the Clown from Stepehen King's, "It".


"What's the matter, Olfina? Don't you want a balloon?"


Roland D. LeBay would be good, too.



Edited by Oubaas
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You can try these:


Dawnguard Delayed (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2399)

Shut Up! Can't You See I'm Busy Fighting (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9513)

Fugitive Piss Off (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/30215)


There are conversation limiting mods on the Nexus (reduced activation radius, activation fov 'cone'), but I haven't used any...

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