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Hide Completed Quests (in Pipboy)


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My current game save is up past 17 megs so far... and the game runs mostly fine.


EXCEPT FOR THAT IRRITATING PIPBOY LOADING LAG! As I use a player home to dump most items/ammo I don't currently use, the majority of this lag comes from the quest and note tabs. I can help reduce the notes lag by [tedious] usage of "RemoveNote" but there is nothing as far as I am aware for the quest tab.


The only workaround that I know of is this mod: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/49395/ that takes a sledgehammer to the problem by virtually resetting the entire game (and it also issues/bugs to boot).


So, is there a way to reduce this quest log lag in some way that I'm not aware of?

Edited by drithius
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