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4gb launcher with non-default install path?


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I have my copy of New Vegas installed on an external so I could mod it without screwing around with the install on the internal drive. It's been playing fine and launching with the script extender no problem, but I've reached a point where I need the 4gb to avoid it crashing on startup.


So what I can't find is how to direct it to the non-default install instead of the one in the C drive. Looked all over the place, cant seem to find anyone else who had already asked.


Thanks in advance.

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I'm really struggling with this right now as well. I have my game installed in a older I made C:Games because program files administrative issues. I've tried putting it in the folder and on the desktop as some Youtube video showed but "I always get system cannot find the specified path" so to me that sounds like I need to modify a preference somewhere telling it to go to C:Games/FalloutNV.


Also does anyone know for sure if the 4gb patch is incompatible with script extender because I cant seem to get it to work even without the script extender. Picking between the two is actually stupid because If I remove the script extender and all the mods that require it I will probably not even need the 4GB patch.


Im at the point where I need to figure out how to get the 4gb new vegas to work or Im just not playing anymore, after seeing the beauty of the game with about 100 mods installed I cant go back.

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I'm using 4GB launcher v 1.6 with latest NVSE and with custom installation folder without problems (all files copied into game folder), BUT i've installed game in my default steam folder (in my case I: drive) and next i moved it to SSD drive (D:). Finally I've used mklink command to make symbolic link between these folders.


4Gb launcher gets path from registry anyway. Its log says:

Loader: Attmepting to open HKLM\SOFTWARE\Bethesda Softworks\FalloutNV - Succeeded
Loader: Attempting to query size of "Installed Path" value - Succeeded
Loader: Attempting to query "Installed Path" value - Succeeded
Loader: Changing directory to i:\steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas enplczru\


I had a another problem with launching my version of the game - east european, which fn4GB cant recognize automatically - i had to add steam ID of the game as launching parameter. In my case batch file with "fnv4gb.exe 22490" command did the trick.


First thing is to check log of fn4GB and find what folder it is seeking for.

Edited by Myszaqu
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I was facing the same problem as i installed steam to an HDD an used the feature of assinging another libary to install FONV into.

In fact steam is installed to


and FoNV to

d:\steam\steamapps\common\fallout new vegas


D is located on my SSD and the rest of steam (drive g) is on the old fashion HDD.


I solved the problem by unsing the mklink command:

mklink /D "G:\Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas" "D:\Steam\SteamApps\common\fallout new vegas"


/D == target is a directory

"first" = where to create a link

"second" == target of the link



Now i can execute the fnv4gb.exe in "G:\Steam\...", while everything is physicaly on my SSD.

I just have to call the fnv4gb.exe from >>G<< instead of the "real" location on drive D.


Even in the Mod Manager I just changed the game directory to the linked path on G, too. So I can run a custom launch command even here.

The command is pretty simple: fnv4gb.exe

Just make sure the FoNV game drive in Mod Manager ist set to the linked path.

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