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damage reduction


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hello, I've got a mod set up that does kinda what I'm looking for,but.....it's not really that good and I can't do anything better than what I've done, so here it goes.


your decked out in this fantastic heavy armor that looks like it could stand up to having a car crash into it.....then some lowly bandit runs up to you with a dinky iron dagger and does damage to you despite your maxed out heavy armor skills, perks and your kick ass daedric armor. this doesn't seem right to me and it makes all armor values over the 500 something cap useless. I know armor has gaps and special fighting techniques exploit those weaknesses...BUT....the people of skyrim are just randomly wailing on you, plus, armors were built with things like chain under coats to protect joints and as for going in through the visor, that is much easier said than done. so I was hoping for a mod that reduces damage based on a flat number determine by armor rating instead of a percentage.




the enemies attacks deal 400 damage before anything is applied, but you've got a armor rating of 359, so only 41 points of damage gets through, if you have a armor rating of 500, no damage gets through.


the mod I made does this fairely well, it also has other features I though would be needed like additional stagger resistance so that even power attacks that aren't strong enough will fail to stagger you.


the main problem is no when I get hit, it sucks me into the enemies and pushes me around.


another problem is that you have to buy the juggernaut perks to activate this armor power instead of that simply being how armor works. I'd like the armor to apply to all forms of damage but not to absorb/drain spells. it would also be cool if staggers and poisons didn't activate if you take no damage (coat your arrows and blades in poison all you want, if they don't pierce plate, the poison never reaches the blood). I'll get to working on the poison thing and re update my mod if people want to use it as a starting point.



next major point: this sounds like it will make the game too easy for some players (namely heavy armor warriors), but whats good for the goose is good for the gander, enemies should also benefit from the armor system. sneak character will have to be sneaky to actually hurt foes and will have to rely on poisons more often. archers will have to buy/craft special arrows to reduce armor ratings and give them a better chance at piercing armor (the effect could do something like cut armor ratings down by 50% or something). against heavy armored foes weilding sheilds, massive two handed weapons will be need to smash through their defenses and/or the use of heavy blunt weapons will come back into play.


Dragons: now that dragons benefit from this, random villagers ganging up on it are now a laughable threat as there rocks,arrows and daggers clank and ricochet off it. dragons now become a flying tank.



either way, heres a link to my mod for an idea and good luck!



Edited by Showzilla
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