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Can't activate switch to get into Vault 112


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I'm running a load of mods and generally there have been no problems, I've leveled WAY past lvl20 and just recently went back to continue the main quest. However, when I try 'activating' the switch for the flap hatch in Smith Casey's garage, nothing happens. Switch animation doesn't occur, hatch doesn't open. Hence I can't get into vault 112 and can't continue the main quest. I've tried several save games even going back 11 hours of gameplay to an earlier save with no luck. :unsure:


Anyone have any suggestions or know of a cheat to get past this?




This is my third time through the game and the first time I've run into this problem.

I'm not running any DLC just the original Fallout 3 with mods




EDIT okay figured something out. Researched console commands and found 'actiivate'

press tilde ~ click the switch type 'activate', press enter and hit tilde again

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