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What causes this?


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Not quite sure. I get the a similar same thing on occasion when it starts getting cloudy (distant storm cloud banks rising on the horizon implying that tomorrow or later today it'll be raining), as if the game can't find the weather texture for that weather layer. Its occurrence in my game is random and intermittent, with no seeming cause, and although not all the time or routine, not rare either, maybe1/4-1/3 of the time there's "stormy" weather brewing. it seems to come in boughts). So the textures exist, but it seems like the game just seems to mis-identify/mis-assign them sometimes. TBH it always gives me the "willies" that I'm going to end up in one of those "I can't load the last dozen saves... aw too bad loser, Start again!" situations, and I end up rapidly getting to a player home, doing the idle >> save >> clean dance, and rebooting the game.


It happened when I had dedicated weather mods installed and it still happens with just the vanilla and whatever extras the addon in "Lanterns of Skyrim" or Realistic Lighting Overhaul provides (some lighting or other environmental mod provides some limited not-vanilla weather I think, though tbh, I'm not quite sure, other than being pretty sure I don't have a dedicated weather mod any more)


Speculating I wonder if it's some ini setting, sorta like the layers issues that a player can encounter if their facial layers are set too low and a makeup layer or mascara or facial tat or whatever doesn't apply. Maybe when things get "complicated" it just runs out of layers to draw on.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have had issues with terrain not showing up correctly. For me, usually, it is solved by updating my nvidia driver...also i have noticed that sometimes when my game crashes, it is also solved with updating the nvidia driver. Usualy other games crashes too when it is time for a nvidia driver update...

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