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Texture pop-in


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Ok, what could be causing this rock texture pop-in? I have run Dynolod and have no other rock textures except Majestic Mountains. And the pop in doesn't even match. Could it be old texture files in my folder somewhere? How can I find out what is causing it?

Any clue would be appreciated.


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This could in fact be a texture problem. Make sure Dyndolod ouput (and also Texgen output before) overwrites everything. Also, don't use pre-genereated LOD. Create everything yourself with Dnydolod (preferably 3.x Alpha).


Another thing you can try are .ini settings. They can also help with pop-in of all sorts.


If you don't already have it, get BethIni. Choose "high" or "ultra" settings, if your rig can handle it. This will change view distances in a way pop-in is at least less noticeable. In fact, "high" already looks really good. IMHO, "Ultra" costs a lot of performance for rather minor gains...

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