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Blood nap retex


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i really like the bowie knifes from Lonesome road, but its bothered me that "blood nap" has no unique texture, and i was wondering if someone could just slap a new texture on "blood nap" for me, something like this http://modularcreativity.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/BowieKnife.jpg (but maybe keep the blood stains, that is pretty cool )

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  • 2 years later...

I'm just redirecting your post, as my mailbox is full;


I'd appreciate it if you could, please and thank you.

So did you want to go with the unused texture being a replacer for all the bowie knives (which is what I think Crystalking52 did if I read the post correctly), or would you rather have the unused texture only for bloodnap?

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