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elf ears, dog ears, cat ears, and horns


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was thinking that it would be interesting to toss some of these ears and horn ideas into the game as helmets or a spot to use on the slave collar slot but i have no idea how to do it myself....so if anyone has the skill for it i would love to see these in the game and if anyone has a link to some kind of ear mod or elf race id love to check it out!
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I know I've seen cat ears before, so that exists.


An elf race would be doable. Apparently ears are attached to the head now. You could probably also make an item that fits over the ears, but it'd have to completely hide them.

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yea i saw some elf ears in a mammoth mod screeny the other day thats what gave me the idea to put this up i searched everywhere but no luck = \ i think making a race would be better then an item because u wouldnt have to replace anything but either way will work for me!
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i dont see why not, any type of head modification should be possible with the right person the only problem is finding a modder with the skill and spare time XD hope one eventually checks this out and likes the idea i wish i had the skill to do it myself
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i dont see why not, any type of head modification should be possible with the right person the only problem is finding a modder with the skill and spare time XD hope one eventually checks this out and likes the idea i wish i had the skill to do it myself

Give them time, Fallout 3 hasn't even been out a year. It took a while for the mod community to make the many mods they have for Oblivion didn't they?

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if someone can do the ears i know some one that can do the face hehe



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