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Look at dropping Wet and Cold, Realistic needs and diseases, frostfall type mods as they keep firing scripts frequently and see if your game improves.




I must be honest, since dropping those three mods, my stability did improve. By no means are those mods bad or buggy, in fact Frostfall and RnD are absolutely fantastic mods and it was literally heartbreaking to drop them because they added so much to my game, but my common sense told me that mods that continually monitor the state of the player and impact on the player must be at least somewhat taxing on the system, especially when a whole lot of other mods are used as well. This is no fault of the modders at all, since they cannot possibly know what your software environment is like. On their own, I'm pretty sure these mods are pretty stable.


But even after dropping them, I still get occasional CTD. Like I said, I've basically resigned myself to it and given up trying to remove them completely. My CTDs are always in the worldspace and never in cells though, so it's tolerable.


Unfortunately CTD's will always be present, even with the 'perfect' system and mod setup :(

I'd consider a ctd or a freeze after 2 hours playtime an epic achievement :P Patience is a virtue when it comes to Skyrim...of course you could go buy console Skyrim and play semi bug free :P (jokes)

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I'm running 16 G's of ram with a AMD 7800 series 2 Gig

But seeing as Skyrim only uses 3.1 to 4 G's of VRAM, .... thats 11.9 to 12 G's not being used :sad: sad day


Well if all your texture mods are using 3.1 to 4 GB or VRAM and your 7800 series AMD card has 2 GB of VRAM then that is prolly the start of your problem. Textures use video ram (VRAM) and not system RAM so as far as texture packs go it doen not matter how much system RAM you have.


Skyrim is a 32 bit application that will only recognize a small part of your system RAM so again having 16 GB of system RAM is not helping Skyrim one bit 4 GB is plenty. You should look into the newest ENB series as it has memory management built into it letting Skyrim actually use more of your system ram so help with stability.


You should use BOSS to sort your mod load order and tell you if any of your mods have dirty edits in them which you can clean with TES5EDIT. Search Google for a tutorial.


You should also look into a mod management program like Mod Organizer or Wyre Bash (which is what I personally use) that way you can install and uninstall mods quickly and easily.


Also if you have a save that was saved with dirty or troublesome mods and you try to use it on a fresh install it will still have leftover stuff from those mods even if you don't reload those mods again, so you start a new game as well if your previous save game came from an install that crashed a lot.


I am also using a 7800 series AMD card (7870) with 2 GB VRAM and I use almost all of it with the texture mods I have installed plus I have ugrids to load at 7. As long as you don't go over the limit of your VRAM you should be OK. I don't get too many CTD's and when I do it is usually something I have messed with to cause it.


I hope I have given you some info you can use!

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Just to let ya'll know, (It's been a while) but I got everything up and running again very well this time. ;) Thanks for all the help. Hopefully I'm not resurrecting too old of a post if so.... I apologize.

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Just to let ya'll know, (It's been a while) but I got everything up and running again very well this time. :wink: Thanks for all the help. Hopefully I'm not resurrecting too old of a post if so.... I apologize.


yo Skyzr88 have you thought about using the default ENB binary to take advantage of the memory reducing ENBOOST?

just a thought ;)

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  • 1 month later...

A liitle late but this kind of topic never gets old, doesn't it ? :D

I understand your frustration, Skyzr88.
I have entirely stopped playing Skyrim for this very reason; after spending more hours trying to get a stable (and smaller and smaller) load order than actually playing (and of course) crashing. If I had a piece of advice to provide, it would be to use Mod Organizer instead of NMM. It probably won't make Skyrim more stable (in my case, it did not) but it will save you a lot of hassle from installing and re-installing Skyrim...
I have come to the conclusion that Skyrim is not really a moddable game. It's even less moddable (stability wise) than ones that are not supposed to be.
Finally what I'd really like to know is if vanilla pristine Skyrim ever CTDs too... If anyone could shed some light on this... Because there is no way I'd play an unmodded Skyrim again.

Edited by Aureus
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just wanted to chime in. I get reproducible CTDs and freezes upon entering exterior world cells, everywhere, randomly. Also, I get Freezes in combat from time to time. Skyrim is hugely complex, especially when you add mods on top of mods.


With my latest series of CTDS/freezes I tried a million things. they didn't work. Then I got the bright Idea to dismiss 2 of my 3 followers. Haven't been able to reproduce the Crashes since, even after riding/running all over the map. I had AFT and CH installed and my followers had horses.


Last time I had crashes I disabled Dynamic Loot and that fixed it. I have since re-enabled it with no more problems so far...


Before that, changing my audio device's format solved the issue. I've had to reorder my load list (even after BOSS) to fix a hiccup.. I've disabled ENB to get through a rough patch.


In my opinion, and from my experience, when you get stuck in a situation where the game is unstable, you must systematically determine the cause of the instability, move past it with the fix in place, and then later on add your previous mods/configuration back in and see if you've gotten past the breaking point. It could be that the engine is just overwhelmed, or your system is too taxed, or that particular cell has objects from two conflicting mods, or you killed a bear cub (3 weeks ago with a modded arrow from a 45 feet away while you were wearing an enchanted helm and your follower was sleeping and now the bear's brother is seeking revenge with a group of spriggans that weren't able to spawn... lol, ya know? it's just a weird game.)


There just isn't a magic fix, not one thing that will work for all CTDs, even if they are in the same location with the same set of general circumstances between two installs.. I've had to meet every situation with the same systematic process of disable/reload, tweak/reload, try/reload... until it works and I get past it. The game is just too complicated. That's why it's so great. just my two cents.

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