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How do you fix 'missing EndOfFile at 'If'' error?

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Hey! I'm very new to fallout 4 modding, so far my mods have been for new vegas. I don't understand the scripting and I can't get this one to work:

MiscObject Property ClothesResident7Hat Auto
Quest Property BeeDia Auto

If (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(ClothesResident7Hat) >= 1)

It gets the following error:

missing EndOfFile at 'If'
Can someone explain me how I should do this?
I'm trying to make a quest advance once the player has a Newsboy cap in their inventory.


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Hey! I'm very new to fallout 4 modding, so far my mods have been for new vegas. I don't understand the scripting and I can't get this one to work:


MiscObject Property ClothesResident7Hat Auto
Quest Property BeeDia Auto

If (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(ClothesResident7Hat) >= 1)

It gets the following error:

missing EndOfFile at 'If'
Can someone explain me how I should do this?

I'm trying to make a quest advance once the player has a Newsboy cap in their inventory.




If it's a quest script, it should look like this:



Scriptname MyQuestScript extends Quest Const					; Scriptname: MyQuestScript. Extends: Quest (it's a quest script). Const flag: See the link below.

MiscObject Property ClothesResident7Hat Auto Const				; Property
Quest Property BeeDia Auto Const						; Property

Event OnStageSet(int auiStageID, int auiItemID)					; event recieved when a Stage is set
	If auiStageID == 10						        ; Stage 10 is set
		If (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(ClothesResident7Hat) >= 1)	; if the Player has "ClothesResident7Hat" in their inventory
			BeeDia.SetStage(20)				        ; advance the quest to Stage 20




Read more about "extends" and Const" here.


Read more about quest script here.

Edited by LarannKiar
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