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Lydia and weapons


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I play Skyrim Extended Edition on a PC running Windows 10. I have two questions concerning Lydia and her weaponry.


1. When I use the console command removeallitems (charID), Lydia becomes naked EXCEPT that she always has a bow and a quiver of arrows. I have tried everything I can think of to remove the bow and arrows but have had no luck. Any suggestions?


2. If I tell Lydia to sleep in a bed using the dialog "I need you to do something" line, she gets in the bed and sleeps. However, the dialog box remains open such that whenever I try to do something (move, sit in a chair, go to bed myself) she immediately comes out of bed and stands there with her usual "ready to go" banter. How can I get her to stay on bed while I sit/stand/sleep myself?



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There are a few sleep mods that work. Like Go to Bed




and I believe the my house is your house one you can assign them to a house and set a particular area for them to sleep and set a time with it.





AS for the Bow issue try this:





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Early on, back before I discovered and installed go to bed, I had limited success as follows


tell her to go to bed


wait some more

wait some more (about 15 minutes in game time in total)

go to bed.


~80% of the time, she'd remain sleep. In fact, although most time she'd wake when I got out of bed, there were times where I had to "speak to her" to get her to wake. So.... that might be an option, if for some reason you are opposed to go to bed, but having done it for several months (feb - ~june 2019), I wouldn't again had I known there was such an easy solution.


I'll second Ocloki's suggestion

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