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Ambrov X


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So last weekend I went to Comic-Con and saw this booth where a bunch of people had computers and posters and stuff set up.

I spoke to them about what they were doing and we were talking for a good ~25 minutes talking about their game that they were working on. I told them some of my ideas and ask them questions about nearly everything so that they think of even more things for their game.


I found their Kickstarter, and I mentioned that I would help spread the word of their game, so here you guys go! I hope the Nexus can help out a bit.



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Sigh another game that looks like it might not hit its goal, sadly that's the case with any kickstarter games of as late, seems like its the time of year or kickstarter needs a better advertisement campaign.


i saw so many fail, that had so much promise, of course doesn't mean it wont if they have there own version of kickstarter on there own page. Usually works out better that way to have two sources for pledgers who just like to use paypal.

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