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Hello friend my question is would you report the following on the DynDOLOD forum or the City Trees mod? After extensive testing to be sure, I have found TexGen locks up at the beginning of the creating textures process, every time, only when City Trees is enabled (the non open city version with addon0, ELFX and LOSII patches - DynDOLOD 3 Alpha 82) When City Trees is disabled the TexGen process completes as normal, I have also tried disabling only the Addon0 .esp which allows trees to be visible outside towns, same result. The City Trees mod all works fine in game but I cannot get TexGen to complete with it enabled.


EDIT - This is closed, after even further testing I have found although TexGen locks up every time with City Trees enabled it also locks in the same spot without City Trees.


EDIT 2 - I kept at it, found the problem and it's very strange. I swapped out Paradise City to try City Trees, that's when TexGen started permanently locking up, so I incorrectly assumed City Trees may be the problem. I attempted to run TexGen many many times adjusting the load order and every time it just kept on locking. In the end I settled on re-installing Paradise City, ran TexGen and it worked, at first I thought it was a fluke, disabled Paradise and it locked, enabled Paradise it worked, I done this several more times to see if I kept getting the same results and I did. To sum it up with my current set-up I can't get TexGen to generate textures unless Paradise City is installed. I have no idea why this is.

Edited by Dashyburn
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I had some rather weird crashes with Dyndolod 3.x Alpha and its version of Texgen myself. From my experience, running Texgen or Dyndolod over and over again doesn't help, if it always crashes at the same point. Maybe you have to be patient. Dyndolod 3.x still has some bugs - it's called "Alpha" for a reason. In my case, I had to wait for the next update. With the newer version of Texgen, everything worked fine.


IMHO, the best place to get assistance is the official Dyndolod forum:



Be aware that some posting rules apply there:

You are supposed to provide logs (from Dyndolod or Texgen) and the bugreport.txt.

You are also expected to stay polite and "on topic": Describe your issue without complaining - just like you did here.

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Thanks for the reply Algabar, I won't be posting this "bug" anywhere I'll just wait for DynDOLOD updates and see how it goes. The fact that TexGen only completes with Paradise_City_RESOURCES.esm enabled is definitely a problem on my end somehow. I only wanted to remove paradise city because the trees have no snow during winter (I use the seasons mod) and stay green which looks odd in game, but if I remove it no TexGen, so i'm stuck with it until I can solve the problem. Dyndolod Alpha 83 has just been released so i'll try that without Paradise eneabled. :smile:


EDIT - Tried again with DynDOLOD 83, disabled Paradise City, enabled City Trees and TexGen completed successfully.

Edited by Dashyburn
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