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Jeonicus - BANNED

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Jeonicus banned.

Entitled behaviour

Inpropriate comments on a mod page, attacking another member for allegedly hiding their content

08 March 2022 - 01:05 PM
I was already aware about the *country*/*country* situation, that you have hidden it from use to download via nexus because of that i have lost my respect for you, almost every **** country is sending you guys military support for billions of dollars. why bring the war to me personally? why do i have to get punishment because of the war and is not able to download this via the mod manager? i am just some casual civilian sitting at home. there is no reason for this punishment.
Edited by Jeonicus, 09 March 2022 - 10:49 AM.

09 March 2022 - 10:35 AM in response to post #106637133. #106658213
You made it private and not downloadable via the mod manager, sure you did not remove it, but you know what you did, so you can call it whatever.
Edited by Jeonicus, 09 March 2022 - 10:48 AM.

“… I have lost my respect for you …”
You have paid a lot of respect to mod authors according to 897 download entries on your account and 0 endorsements you have given so far.

The user is herewith instantly banned for the following reason:
Sending another member an abusive message for hiding their contents from public view

Message 17 March 2022, 03:52 PM

Title: Hidden mods
Can you stop this nonsense because of the war?, we are all around the world aware of the situation, but why are you taking it out on civilians? i am just a normal dude sitting at home, trying to enjoy myself, why do you force the war to my front door? may *country* burn you for bringing the war to my front door. I am civilian at home!? why you do this!? why do you take your anger out on your fan comunity downloading your mods? f***ing prick

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