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KingOfTheN0rth - Formal warning issued

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KingOfTheN0rth has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Uploading a mod containing code belonging to another author.


A renamed version of the files was present in the TOTSK Public Alpha mod files uploaded on 16 February.


The latest version of Serve as Soldier was released on 9 February.


When first asked if the mod contained code written by another author, it was denied that such code existed. Upon being presented with compelling evidence that the code was present within the mod, no reasonable explanation was provided.


Seeing as this has been a topic of contention between the two authors for several months and the files were claimed to have been removed previously, as well as your previous moderation history, we see no choice except to present you with a formal warning.





This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here,




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