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Beta testers wanted-armors, outfits, and character models


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Hi Nexus!


I'm slowly making my exit from the modding community. As I do this, im workong with a rather secretive group, on a rather secretive project. However, my work is no secret and is updated at least bi weekly in my gallery.


Here is my conundrum. I have one of the worst computers known to man, and am barely capable of running NV on the lowest settings with Ini tweaks for performance.


I need at least three seperate members capable of running NV at its highest specs with ENB as i am doing gamma correction on the textures (and I'm a cheauvanistic pig and like seeing my work all pretty).


I need a total of six members, one for each character model and enb


So far i have 2 completed ingame models, and i need testers for Blackout, Enhanced shaders, and Somber Vintage.


If your interested, please send me a pm.


Using these models in screenshots is acceptable and encouraged, however, sharing or modifying these files is strictly prohibited until public release.


Thank you,


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I wish you luck! I can not test for you since my computer does not like ENB all that much (and personally I dont like it all that much anyways), its been looking great so far.

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