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Can't move corpses


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I swear I had this issue and there was some mod that fixed it.


I can move Draugr corpses just fine, but any other humanoid corpse barely budges (like a mouse trying to move a lion).

I thought there was some skeleton fix that fixed this, but it's been years and I can't remember what causes or fixes this.


Anyone know?

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I don't have any special mod installed to assist with the task/ability. I've found that first-person view mode is best for lifting bodies. For some reason, at least for me, when in third person I don't seem to be able to keep purchase on whatever I'm trying to lift (things seem to either not get picked up or drop out of my grip very easily). In addition, I could be wrong, but I swear I've gotten stronger as my level has increased


so... for whatever that's worth, if not in 1st person mode give it a try there. And if you're low level, maybe don't try to lift trolls or giant spiders or enemies fully outfitted inr Nordic steel.


(and if this doesn't apply, my apologies for the wasted read)

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Unfortunately it isn't the case. It's specifically playable races I can't lift. Draugr are fine, so I know it's not positioning or technique.


However, good news, I found the mod that fixes it.



Using that with the most basic options seems to get it into a state where I can lift corpses.

Edited by Ketrel
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