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replacing a face on a CM partner


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I am curious as to how to make a custom face for the mod Kaleah Succubus




The reason for this is, because the original mod, the face doesn't show up, and is left black. So I was wondering how I could replace that, with the face from another Cm partner, Aliyah found here




I want to keep the tail and wings from Kaleah to the new face, but have absolutely no idea how to do this. Any help, recommendations, etc would be appreciated

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I have to ask..... have you install the required mods listed in the original mod's readme?

Because what you have sounds like a simple missing textures issue (ie, you don't have all the stuff you need)

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I did, I actually started out with a completely purple body. When I installed all of the required mods necessary to skin the characters missing textures and meshes, it fixed all but the head. I also am not the only one to complain of these missing meshes and textures, many others have left replies expressing similar problems, though most of them also claim missing hand textures, I do not have this problem.
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