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Invisibility Silhouette Appearance


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When the invisibility spell is cast as a muffle spell is in effect my character appears with a black silhouette, otherwise the character is completely invisible during the effect of invisibility. Found a mod that does exactly the opposite (Invisibility and muffle fix by D4V10) but is it possible to do the opposite? Tried google and other mods but can't seem to find one that adds a silhouette to invisibility like the one that appears if you cast it while in the effect of muffle. I use the spell a lot but it bothers me that I can't see where I'm going and keep bumping into people I'm supposed to stealth kill because I'm "too invisible". If anyone could direct me to the right place, that would be really helpful. A silhouette would be nice, but other approaches just to solve the problem are welcome too. I don't use ENB and can't because my game can't afford any more fps hits. Much appreciated, thanks!

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