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follower lost dialogue when changing voice type


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I changed my follower's voice type in CK, now I am unable to talk to him. There is no follower dialogue menu when I talk to him. When I changed his voice type back, there si still no dialogue. I tried resurrecting him, but still the same. I saved the game, then load it, it still didn't work. Please help, how do I have his dialogue back?

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No I did not dismiss him. It use to work even if I don't dismiss him, he would have a different voice, if the voice type is not for followers, he would still have dialogue choices minus those for followers only. I tried going back to a previous save, his orignal voice is malebrute, and I changed it back to male brute in CK, went back to a previous save before I made the changes, and he still has no dialogue.


What do you mean by changing his voice causes the loss of follower status?

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Only certain voice types have the follower dialogue. I don't know of a list of voice types I can link to, but if you open the CK there is a formlist called (I think) FollowerVoiceTypes that lists them.


This mod may be of help:




Edit: Oops! Just re-read your post. That probably won't help at all.


What may help is using RECYCLEACTOR on him, but that may screw him up even worse, too, so use it as a last ditch effort and don't save until you're sure he's okay.


Also, try RESETAI. And the 30-day wait trick.

Edited by gizmologist
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